We can help you in case of any Sports/GYM Injury...

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Arunalaya Healthcare

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We are experts in accurate diagnosis for your problems related to muscles, joints, ligaments, etc to cure your sports, musculoskeletal injuries and pains. Our special treatments and skills are a boon for special children and people suffering from paralysis and other neuro problems.


What make us Special ?

Dr. Chakshu Bansal the founder of Arunalalya Physiotherapy and Sports Rehab Center, herself diagnose and design a special plan of Treatment for every patient. She has 14 Years of expertise in diagnostic and Pain Management. She is the only Instructor of Advanced Manual Therapy KKMT. She has treated major personalities and Treated Delhi Commissioner, CM Himachal Pradesh, Wife of CM Telangana, Former Health Secretary of India.
Ph.D. Scholar (America), Master in Physiotherapy (Musculoskeletal), Certified Dry Needling Practitioner and Instructor (South Africa), Certified Manual Therapist, Certified Taping Master Trainer (Canada), Certified Pilates Instructor, Certified Manual Therapist, Certified EMG-NCV therapist (USA), Certified Sport sector trainer(Govt. of India), Academic head & Instructor (KKMT ASIA), Developer Tapedia – Encylopedia


certified taping, Co-Author Book on KKMT, Author (Magical Manus), 3 times World record holder.
Best physiotherapist in delhi

Accurate Diagnosis

All the protocols are supervised by our expert team of doctors.

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Value your time

We try not to make you wait and get your treatment as early as possible.

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At your home

If you are away from us or can't come to our center, our professionals will visit your place and provide you best treatment guided by Dr. Chakshu.

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    Best physiotherapist in delhi

    Accurate Diagnosis

    All the protocols are supervised by our expert team of doctors.

    Best physiotherapist in delhi

    Value your time

    We try not to make you wait and get your treatment as early as possible.

    Best physiotherapist in delhi

    At your home

    If you are away from us or can't come to our center, our professionals will visit your place and provide you best treatment guided by Dr. Chakshu.

    Our Services

    Get yourself asses today to know what treatment is for you.

    Best physiotherapist in delhi

    Neuro Rehab

    Our goal is to help you re-learn skills you lost, regain independence and improve quality of life with motor-skill exercises, mobility training, functional electrical stimulation, virtual rehabilitation and much more.

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    Sports injuries Rehab

    With sports injuries having immediate and significant detrimental effects on your function, they are still a part of the game. Considering this, it is important to get you back in action. Our sports rehabilitation programme will help you recover and maximize your functional capacity, fitness and performance

    Best physiotherapist in delhi

    Musculoskeletal Rehab

    We combine therapeutic modalities and exercise to get you back in action. The treatment focuses on optimizing healing, restoring biomechanics between normal and injured tissues, and preventing recurrence of pain and chronic disability.

    Best physiotherapist in delhi

    Post Surgical Rehab

    Post surgical rehabilitation may be necessary for a variety of surgical procedures including orthopaedic, cardiac, thoracic, neurological and abdominal surgery.

    Our Speciality Clinic and home care

    We don't boast about ourselves but yes, our patients are happy and satisfied giving us referrals to show faith in us.

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    What is Unique about Arunalaya Healthcare?

    Arunalaya Physiotherapy and Sports Rehab Center opened by Dr. Chakshu with the vision of Pain free India. She is well known women in the field of Physiotherapy for her magical hands and Accurate diagonisis, she has won 3 World Records and treated around 2 lakh patients in her journey.

    How to book Appointment?

    Please Call us on 8090080906/ 07 or book through the form given on site.

    What are the Charges?

    Charges are based on treatment, prescribed by Doctor after consultation.

    How to Reach?

    Our clinic is in Patel Nagar, near metro pillar 218.
    Spinal Cord Injury

    Lets Split this Spinal Means the Spine, Cord means the nerves travelling in the spinal canal and Injury means damage, so lets combine it, any damage to the spinal cord or the nerves, anywhere in the spine is known as Spinal Cord Injury. How can this injury affect the individual? This entirely depends on the severity and the site of injury. It could be the cervical region, the thoracic region, the lumbar region and to be specific, at which level? This is something which plays a critical role to know how, this injury can affect the individual. How does it happen? Any trauma to the spine, like spinal fracture along with the dislocation, gunshot injury, injury from the knife, fall which causes compression and complex fracture of the spine. Non traumatic spinal cord injury can be due to arthritis, cancer, inflammation, infections or disk degeneration of the spine. What actually happens? The spinal cord is basically carries message between the brain and the rest of the body, which is pain, the position of the limb, sensations, the hot, cold, pressure, and the muscle movement. Now the affected part could be the upper limb, if the injury is at the cervical region, the lower limb, if the injury is at the lumbar region, there can be loss of bladder and bowel control, the skin sensations can get affected below the neurological level of the injury, there could be issues with the circulation, varying from low blood pressure, swelling etc, here could also be respiratory issue, which could cause difficulty in breathing, coughing due to the involvement of the chest and abdominal muscles, the tone of the muscle gets affected, they either get tight or get loose, there could be severe pain, in the muscles and joints in vause of an incomplete injury, which is exactly due tp the nerve pain. The life of the individual changes completely, once the patient is diagnosed with a spinal cord injury. there is a strict need of proper rehabilitation, which can only help t cope with the challenges faced by the individuals. The individual has to keep doing the exercises. In this case, the patient often goes into depression, so it is very important to adopt various methods to cope up the depression. Physiotherapy plays a crucial role in reviving patient's confidence and strength.

    Total Knee Replacement

    Knee Replacement is the most common surgeries that are being performed by the orthopedic surgeons nowadays. Knee Replacement can be easily prevented if one choses a good rehabilitation programme and one choses to change his or her lifestyle. But in case, there is no choice left, byt to go for the surgery, then, it is always recommended to go for a Pre Surgical Rehabilitation and a Post Rehabilitation to enjoy the benefits of the surgery. The surgery can be extremely successful on part of the orthopedic surgeon, but its success still lies in the hands of the the physiotherapist. The physiotherapy rehabilitation is started from DAY post surgery. The Therapist is well versed with what all has to be done and how to progress the rehabilitation programme. To attain a good Range of motion and a good strength of the muscles, the therapist must ensure that the muscles around the joint are flexible and have a normal length. The muscles which are to be worked on are the quadriceps, the hamstrings, the calf, the IT band, Popliteus. The Rehabilitation can extend upto 3 months and the therpaist teaches the patient walk with the walker, using a cane and then independently. The therapist also trains the patient about the right way to climb the stairs.


    Have you ever heard wondered why people over the age of 40 start complaining about it getting difficult to get up from the chair or climbing the stairs? This condition is known as osteoarthritis of knee, where the joint cartilage degenerates or wear and tear of the cartilage happens, which gradually results in the reduction of the joint space. Osteoarthritis not only affects the knee, but can also affect the other joints as well, that is the hands, hips and spine. The condition is irreversible, but maintaing a healthy lifestyle and taking proper treatment helps to slow down the degenerative process. The patient often complains pain, stiffness, tenderness, loss of joint movement, crackling of the sounds, bone spurs, swelling over the involved joints and inflammation of the jpint which further damages the joint. There are certain factors which can increase the risk of developing the osteoarthritis are age,females are affected more, obesity, joint injury, repeated stress on the joint, family history of arthritis, bone deformities, metabolic diseases. If proper care, is not taken, then this condition can be debiliting, and will stop the patient from performing the basic Activities of daily living. There are certain medications which can help in improving the joint condition, which can help in repairing the cartilage if the joint it is the initial stage of osteoarthritis. Physiotherapy Rehabilitation plays a very important role in managing this condition and living a normal life. Exercises become inevitable and are a part of the daily routine.If not taken care, then the patient might have to go for Joint relpacement surgery. Post surgery also needs a post rehabilitaion. Choice is yours, whether you can mange this condition with a surgery or with surgery! Rehabilitation aims in strengthening the muscles around the joint, maintaing the joint Range of Motion, reduce the joint swelling, reducing the pain. There are various advanced rehabilitation techniques available which easily manage the condition.